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WHEN: Wednesday, April 26
Seminar: 3pm-4:30pm
wine & cheese to follow
WHERE: Moorestown Community House/ Bayada Room
14 E. Main Street, Moorestown NJ
RSVP: By 4/21 to Kim, or call (856) 642-2949
FEE: Complimentary
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Business owners, H.R. Specialists
Speaker, Scott Wham, J.D. is Director of Compliance Services and an expert on the healthcare legislation in this politically-charged topic.
Download PDF: Saratoga-Seminar-3.17-LOW
Healthcare Issues Council Roundtable
Friday, April 7, 8am-9:30am
Chamber Offices
Fellowship Road, E-502
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Roundtable Topic: Curbing Presenteeism: Supporting Employee Caregivers
Guest Speakers: Susan McCann, Vice President of Human Resources, Joanne Rosen, Vice President of Marketing & Public Affairs & Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice
Sponsored By: Saratoga Benefit Services LLC
Learn about:
• The burdens of presenteeism – to both employees and employers
• The importance of advance care planning
• Resources available to your employees
• The value to your employees and your company of engaging in National Healthcare Decisions Day.
Register Here
Moorestown Rotary is hosting a charitable Poker Tournament to help support the many wonderful service projects Rotarians perform locally and globally. The No-Limit Texas Hold’em tournament will take place on 10/30 at 2pm at the Moorestown Community House.
The buy-in is $75 at the door, or $50 if paid in advance. Checks can be mailed to the Community House 16 East Main Street, Moorestown 08057 (made payable to Moorestown Rotary Charities), Venmo, bank transfers, or cash are also accepted. Rebuys and add-ons will also be available for $50.
Food will be provided + BYOB.
Questions? Contact Sean Rice
By Amy Webb, President, Saratoga Benefit Services
I’ve been a member of the Mooretown Rotary for 9 years. Initially I joined thinking it was a great place to network and meet new people. While it has turned out to be an effective place to make solid business connections, it has exceeded my expectations.
What does rotary do? The mission of Rotary is ‘service above self.’ Our club and its members truly live this motto. The amount of good that our chapter has done locally and internationally is amazing, from providing over $30,000/year in scholarships to local students to supporting water and solar projects in third world countries.
What has rotary done for you personally? Being a Rotarian has enhanced my commitment to community service and connected me with a fantastic group of like-minded people. The saying is true that good things come to good people. My firm, Saratoga Benefits has always done good things for the community and it has brought good things to our business as well.
Interested in Visiting? The Moorestown Lunch Rotary meets at 12:10pm at the Community House in Moorestown every Thursday.
There’s other options for those who are unable to meet every week but still would like to be a part of rotary:
Corporate Membership: This allows a company to designate several employees under one membership so they can alternate who attends the weekly meetings.
Alternative Meeting Place (AMP): This group meets twice a month in the evenings at Harvest Grill. This group has the same benefits of a weekly group, but with a reduced time and financial commitment.
Where: Harvest Seasonal Grill, Moorestown NJ
When: 11/1 and 11/15, 5:45 – 7pm
Questions? Contact Amy Webb or Michele Rohan
Or visit www.moorestownrotary.org.
Employers who sponsor a group health plan with prescription drug benefits are required to notify their Medicare-eligible participants and beneficiaries as to whether the drug coverage provided under the plan is “creditable” or “non-creditable.” This notification must be provided prior to October 15th each year.
See attached Medicare Part D
Saratoga Benefits is the proud recipient of the Moorestown Business Association (MBA) Spotlight Award. The MBA recognized Saratoga Benefits for our ongoing commitment to the community. We are proud to be a good corporate citizen and supportive of the community where we work and live. Our philosophy has always been that good things come to good people. We believe strongly that our ongoing support of local nonprofits and community activities is the foundation to our 18 years of business and personal success.
Saratoga Benefits staff awards prizes to winners of the 3rd annual Valentine Day card design contest. Each year Saratoga Benefits sends clients and friends Girl Scout cookies and a card designed by students from the Camden Forward School, part of Urban Promise Ministries.
Are you looking for ideas on WHAT WORKS for women in business and how to help take your business to the next level? We have combined networking, camaraderie, and education into one. Come and meet like-minded local women in business to share what is working for you as well as the challenges you currently face. Ideas will be offered along with refreshments and a few surprises! We look forward to seeing you there!
DATE: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016
TIME: 9:00 AM Registration
9:15 -10:30 AM
PLACE: Mt. Laurel, NJ
SPEAKER: Amy R. Webb, RHU, CBC, President
Saratoga Benefit Services, LLC
TOPIC: Having an Educated Consumer is your Best Customer
RSVP: Trudy at (800) 524-1774
When: Friday, February 05, 2016, 8am – 9am
What: Roundtable Topic: Health Insurance – Choosing the Right Plan for Your Business & Employees
Our interactive roundtable discussion will cover Narrow Networks; OMNIA, Value, High deductible health plans and HSA’s.
Guest Speaker: Amy R. Webb, RHU, CBC, President, Saratoga Benefit Services, LLC
BCRCC Offices
Conference & Training Center
520 Fellowship Road, Suite E-502
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Fee: Free for BCRCC members
To register: http://www.chamberdata.net/webforms/EvtListing.aspx?dbid2=njburl&date=20160205&class=E
Saratoga Benefit Services is proud to announce the addition of Bill Webb as Account Executive to the Moorestown, NJ firm. For nearly 20 years, Saratoga Benefit Services has helped business owners safely navigate through the dreaded task of administering employee benefits, while creating health insurance plans that are tailored to their employees’ personal needs, as […]